Corporate Management

Business Plan

Il Business Plan è uno strumento di fondamentale importanza per la presentazione della strategia dell'impresa e per l'indicazione dei passi operativi attuali e futuri attraverso cui questa si realizza.

La rilevanza che è stata attribuita al Business Plan quale strumento di dialogo e confronto tra l'impresa ed il sistema finanziario, rischia di far passare in secondo piano la valenza del Business Plan come strumento guida interno di medio termine per la gestione dell'impresa e di matrice da cui si originano i budget annuali. Aspetto questo che invece è altrettanto importante e che merita attenzione anche da parte delle imprese che non presentano criticità sotto il profilo finanziario.

Business Plan

The development of a Business Plan involves the entire company which is called to define the business strategy by manufacturing, logistics and commercial activities.

Strategy and actions are therefore presented in a document whose structure is generally defined as follows:

  • Executive Summary - presents and summarizes the key aspects of business plans and financial results expected
  • Presentation and historical profile of the company - presents the company and significant events that have characterized its origins and development
  • Market and competitors Analysis - presents the context in which the company operates and the key success factors that regulate the target market
  • Product and sales network - presents the products and services which are offered to the market and the marketing and sales organization with particular emphasis on development plan
  • Management and organization - has the distinctive characteristics of the organization and its distinguishing factors associated
  • Economic and Financial Plan (at least three years) - translates the strategy and the planned and taken actions in numbers. Particular attention is given to the expected cash flows.

Multiconsult coordinates the entire process of gathering information involving the various business functions and stimulating insights and discussions to produce a document clearly and effectively representative.


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